Why Holding A Vision Magnetizes Great Achievement

Written by Saleem Rana

The only reason some people enjoy success while others fail is because those who succeed persist in holdingrepparttar vision of what they want.

They succeed, inrepparttar 122792 first place, by creating a vision.

Then they persist in that vision. As it sinks deeper into their minds, it becomes a driving obsession. It becomes their most cherished value. And they spend all their time in trying to materialize that value. This drives them to training themselves to achieve their goal.

Most people believe that success is a result of a realized talent. Talent is what people see. They see a bewildering array of skills and conclude—incorrectly—thatrepparttar 122793 talent maderepparttar 122794 person brilliant. Others attribute it to motivation. Again, this isrepparttar 122795 effect, notrepparttar 122796 cause that arises from a vision.

I contend that talent is cultivated from vision, and that as vision deepens, as action toward learning and implementation proceeds, skills develop and accumulate. The end result of numerous small skills is a prowess or flair for doing something that we call talent. Personal development happens incrementally, in small quotas, in chunks.

How did Albert Einstein becomerepparttar 122797 greatest thinkerrepparttar 122798 world has ever known? What isrepparttar 122799 wisdom we can gather from looking at his success story? How did a patent office clerk achieve success as a celebrity? The simple answer is that he was a genius. He had more brain cells. He had more ability to think.

Yet a history of young Albert Einstein showed that he was not a brilliant student. In fact, his teacher once sent a note to his parents suggesting that he was wasting time attending school.

And as for genius—there have been many, many talented, brilliant physicists and mathematicians.


Written by Laurie Hayes

Sometimes life becomes so routine, we don’t have to think about a thing we’re doing throughoutrepparttar day. We’re programmed to run on automatic. It’s important to shake things up every once in a while to getrepparttar 122791 creative juices flowing, give us an added boost of energy or give us something to concentrate on for a change.

When routine sets in, particularly in relationships, we can’t always seerepparttar 122792 impact it has until we throw a new ingredient intorepparttar 122793 mix. This week, I ventured outside of my regular routine, and performed a very unexpected act of kindness. The results were terrific!

Picture it, Cicely, 1945 … oops, wait, wrong story ...

Picture it, Northern Ontario, Winter 2004. It’s Friday morning, snow is falling, there is a nip inrepparttar 122794 air and neither my husband nor I want to get out of our toasty warm bed to get ready for work.

We go throughrepparttar 122795 same exercise every morning. We both wait forrepparttar 122796 other one to get up first to turn uprepparttar 122797 furnace, then he heads to his washroom to get ready and I go into my office to meditate for half an hour.

This morning, however, neither of us would budge. He didn’t want to get up, shower, make breakfast and prepare lunches, and I didn’t want to meditate, go through my agenda forrepparttar 122798 day and start prioritizing my long list of outstanding tasks. We were stuck.

I must have been desperate or temporarily insane because I suddenly blurted out, “Hey! You get up and get ready and I’ll make you breakfast today!” He was stunned at first and didn’t say a word, then started laughing, “Yeah right. What about your meditation?” For anyone who knows me, there are two things I don’t do … cook (unless I’m in a real bind) and deviate from my routine.

I insisted I was going to cook for him … anything he wanted. Eggs, bacon, you name it! There will be no meditating today. He hesitantly agreed and headed for his washroom, wondering if his dear partner had been possessed duringrepparttar 122799 night and lost complete leave of her senses. The last time I made him breakfast was, hmmm, let’s see … when wasrepparttar 122800 last timerepparttar 122801 Oilers wonrepparttar 122802 cup?

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